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30 Minute Helicopter Flight and Hover Challenge

30 Minute Helicopter Flight and Hover Challenge
  • Compare Prices
  • Product code: 1044127
  • Category: Gifts
  • Seller: Buyagift.co.uk
  • Price: £225



This is your chance to experience a pure adrenaline rush as your instructor shows you the maneuverability of a modern helicopter - sideways, backwards, round in circles and then the tricky test of concentration and skill - the hover. Then its your turn to take the controls, climb away, take a look at the countryside, then come back down to earth for low-level flying (and we mean low!) and to see if you can handle the hover. Location: Aberdeen; Fife; Blackpool; Gloucestershire; Leicester; Lichfield; Kent; Peterborough; Herefordshire

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