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Harness Zorbing for Two (Weekdays)

Harness Zorbing for Two (Weekdays)
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  • Product code: 10119038
  • Category: Extreme
  • Seller: Buyagift.co.uk
  • Price: £50



Zorbing is a new extreme sport where people are rolled down steep hills inside 12’ inflatable balls. You and your chosen victim are strapped facing each other in the harnesses inside the ball, before tearing off down a hill at speeds of up to 30mph. The general reaction is to laugh hysterically as you descend the hill, rolling and bouncing! And don’t worry, with a safety harness, and 3-foot of air between you and the ground, you’re entirely safe. Location: Chepstow, Dyfed (Wales) Oxford, Hertfordshire, West Sussex, Reading (South East) Nottingham, Birmingham (Midlands) Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Chester (North) Perth (Scotland)

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